Do you long for peace?

Are you longing for that still, quiet place inside where you connect to your Self and to Spirit?



When we listen to the world and our Ego, it can be hard to find peace within. The world will tell us we are never enough, we need a plan, a purpose, a direction.

Spirit has a plan for your life. That plan has nothing to do with your stories, past, or ideas about how life should be that your Ego created.

You are more than your stories

We all have ideas about who we are and how life works, but have you ever considered how those stories were formed? How is it you came to believe what you believe about yourself? Our parents, families, teachers, and life experiences all help combine to form our ideas of who we are and how we should show up in life. Often, the stories limit us because they are based on our fears and other people's ideas and fears, well-meaning as they might be.

But we can change.

We can shed old ideas and free ourselves from old stories. With Spirit, we have the power to liberate ourselves. And it starts with believing we can change and believing life can be different. We have the power to reconnect to Spirit and change our lives, if we are willing.

Are you willing to let your Light shine?

Are you willing to change allowing Spirit to guide your life?

Are you willing to allow Spirit's Light in and allow your Light to shine out?

Spiritual Energy Medicine Mentoring and Coaching

During a Spiritual Energy Medicine Mentoring and Coaching Session, you will have an opportunity to look at and release old stories and ideas about yourself: stories that hold you back from your true purpose and keep you from seeing your own divine Light. With Spirit's guidance, my intuition, NLP, and Energy Medicine and Shamanic Coaching techniques, I can help you free yourself to be all you were intended to be.

Spiritual Energy Medicine is a process of letting go of your old stories so you can discover who you truly are and allowing you to reconnect to Spirit and reconnect to the Love within.

Meet Karan

My mission is to allow the Light of Spirit to shine through me and light the path for others who are called to follow the small, still voice within.

I didn't set out in life to become an Energy Medicine Practitioner.

In fact, during the majority of my 30-year career in financial services, it would have been an absurd notion. However, in the year 2020, a series of most improbable events happened.

Spirit began speaking to me and I listened.